Meanwhile I managed to come back from Ireland, and to go back there for a week,
and to get unbelievably freaked out by school,
and to see my lovely camera disappearing, stolen by f thieves,
and to start thinking I have a little bit of an OCD problem,
and to start working,
and (that's certainly the best of them all) to get a "mystical crisis"(is that how I should call it?).
It's kind of difficult getting back to this website. I used to write posts thinking about myself as a very sad and unsatisfied person but I didn't know what I had to go through.
An Italian poet used to say that men are happy as long as they're ignorant; I'm not sure whether he's absolutely right, in my opinion, but I must say that, recently, I have been thinking a lot about his point of view.
I don't want to write about my thoughts, not right now at least. I just wanted to make sure my bloggyblog is doing fine and not feeling alone and forsaken.
It's also very late, and I should really get some sleep since I'm being kind of weird in what I write.